Electrical Utility Services

CA Telecom Operate across London and the South East, providing a broad Scope of Services to the Electrical Industry.

Non-Contestable works, having extensive knowledge and experience of project management, Civil design, LV/HV underground installations, New Build Installations, cable Diversionary works, excavation duct installation and reinstatement, substation base construction thus ensuring the delivery of cost effective solutions in a timely and safe manner.

Investment in manpower, plant, technology and management systems has enabled the company to build a well-deserved reputation for professionalism, reliability and attention to detail. Our highly skilled in-house workforce includes NRSWA, Confined Space, and Trench Support trained operatives who also possess CSCS and/or CPCS accreditation.

The company operates an integrated health, safety, quality and environmental (HSQE) management system which provides CA Telecom Construction with the framework and discipline to deliver consistently high-quality work in a safe and sustainable manner.

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